Friday, 26 April 2013

I Was A Fool

I'm a huge Tegan & Sara fan. I heard their music alot during my holiday in Canada a couple of years ago, and I've been hooked ever since. And not just because I have got a huge-monster-girl-crush on Sara.

Their new album is fantastic... this is my favourite song from it, and the video is just beautiful. 

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

I Could Not Have Tea....

So I was feeling a bit sad earlier and so I decided that I wanted to watch "Scott Pilgrim vs the World", which is one of my favourite films. It's a modern day, geeky love story, which I can totally identify with.

A girl I dated once said that I reminded her of Ramona Flowers, and not just because I dyed my hair a different colour every week. That's one of the nicer compliments I've received.

This is one of my favourite, most charming moments in the film... I really do love this movie. It makes me smile.

Favourite Quotes:

Kim Pine: Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it.

Knives Chau: I've never even kissed a guy before.
Scott Pilgrim: Hey... me neither.

Scott Pilgrim: I have to go pee due to boredom.

Stacey Pilgrim: [Scott has just broken up with Ramona] Did you really see a future with this girl?
Scott Pilgrim: Like... with jet-packs?

Scott Pilgrim: I know you play mysterious and aloof just to avoid getting hurt. And I know you have reasons for not wanting talk about your past. I want you to know that I don't care about any of that stuff. Because I'm in lesbians with you.

And now I've watched this movie, something about it has flipped the "everything-is-fine" switch in my brain and I feel very depressed. :(


This is my life.

Something Interesting Possibly Happened...

Sunday, 21 April 2013

What's in a name?

Sooo, I've a dilemma on my hands.

As you may or may not know - I'm getting married next year.

Me and the hus-bot-to-be had a discussion about whether or not I would change my surname. Initially, I was very vocal about NOT changing my name. I think first he was expecting this as par-for the-course, however, I won *that* argument thusly:

''So, would you change your name to Mr Webb?''
''God, no.''
''I rest my case''

Sabrina, 1, Ian, 0.

My compromise was to go for a double-barrelled name. Sabrina Andrews-Webb. I quite like the sound of that as a possibility, I mused. But still... the hassle of it. And the fact that it's my name - do I really want to change it? Really? Should I have to? 

And a little time has passed. And now I'm having doubts.

We went for a walk on Saturday, along the beach in the sunshine, quaffing ice-cream and for whatever reason, I decided to raise the subject for discussion. Ian declared that he was ambivalent about said name change. And then he said, that if I didn't want to change my name to Andrews, then he'd prefer if I just kept Webb. At first I wondered if this was a sneaky way of getting me to change my mind in his favour. The reason: a double barreled name sounds pretentious. I'm not convinced by this argument at all. I rather like it. And I was a little miffed that he wasn't more impressed with me offering up this as an option, which I felt, was very fair and generous.

If he'd been angry about it, the decision would have been an easy one. I'd have kept my own name and that would have been that - as a feminist point of principle. BUT because now he's capitulated and been super-cool, it's a harder thing for me to decide. Because there is no obstacle - it really is a preference thing. It's down to me to decide, because the more he talked, the more I realised, he doesn't mind what my name is. 

It is a very important decision for me though. If I do decide to change my name - I'll only do it once. So the reasons have to be right. I have to be sure. 

The biggest con for me is - it's my family name. I have a photograph on my hallway wall of my great-grandad Frederick - in his uniform - he fought in the great war. My granddad was in the RAF and worked as a paramedic for many years. Skipping over the next generation - my Dad is a douche-bag - but there is a lot of history in that name. I was the first Webb to go to University, and certainly the first one to complete an MA degree. My graduation certificates say that Sabrina Webb achieved those qualifications. So do my kickboxing certificates. 

And lets not forget....I'm the last Webb in our family. If I change my name, there are no more of us. 

Does it make us any less of a couple if my name stays the same? 
Does it make us any less married?
Does it make us any less of a family?

No, not really.

I think what I'm feeling is the pull of tradition and ''what people normally do.'' 

I guess I have a lot of thinking to do. 

What I'm Listening to:
The Smiths – This Charming Man


I heard the other day, albeit on a radio ad, that humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas.

I have no idea if this is true, but it might explain a few things.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Shoe Whore

Since I saw these shoes, I've been slightly obsessed with them. Especially the Fetish Ballerina shoes by Louboutin.

My initial thoughts were 'is this a joke?' 

There are several different variations of women: nice-underwear women, bath-products women, handbag women and shoe-women. I am a bath-products woman. But even then my attitude to this is slightly lax. I personally feel that in a rush, essential beauty products would include hair-wax, mascara and a spritz of perfume (my current favourite is Deep Night, Ghost). Oh, and don't forget sunglasses...

Shoes... I don't understand the appeal. 

I don't ''do'' heels. I can't wear them and owing to having ridiculously big feet, it used to be tough for me to find heels in my size. I'd spend my limited amounts of cash as a younger-twenty-something on gorgeous shoes that I could barely stand up in, feet scrunched up, rubbed, red, blistered, pinched in. I don't care what anyone says, they are NOT comfortable. You can't walk in them, dance in them, run for a taxi in the rain in them - they serve no purpose whatsoever. Except to look pretty. 

I realised a few years ago the stupidity of it and basically surrendered. I'm definitely not a shoe-whore.

So, I'm wondering - what's the point of these shoes? They have absolutely no practical merit. Indeed, they stretch the point of wearing heels to ridiculousness, don't they? 

Why do women even wear heeled shoes? Isn't it to do with appearing to make the legs look longer, to appear more alluring to the opposite sex? I don't really have a lot of patience for this. I don't see men busting a gut trying to keep upright in shoes that make no sense trying to impress me. I don't believe that men worry about how women think they'll look in their brogues or suits or ties, I doubt if they're anxious that we will find them less attractive or masculine, or that they haven't 'made an effort'. (This reminds me of my 'why nice underwear is a waste of money theory'... I'll share it sometime.)

The pale pink pair  were worn by Lady GaGa, whose outfits are ridiculed by the press and err on the side of buffoonery. Whether or not this is intentional is another thing. But then isn't that the whole point of fashion? Dressing up? Appearing a certain way on a certain day for a certain occasion? Finding something to wear that demonstrates who you are today? Caitlin Moran writes amazingly about this in her book How To Be A Woman, by the way. You should all read it. It's hilarious and groundbreaking.

Anyway - back to the topic at hand...These shoes must be a form of art. Modern art, perhaps? The high price tag would certainly indicate this. After all, since when is good art cheap? I suspect that this is why some people spend hundreds - or thousands - on fashion items and describe them as 'investment pieces'. 

But then again, maybe these aren't examples of good art. Maybe that's just what we've been told.The trouble is, modern art is divisive simply because taste is subjective.

Which reminds me of a quote by Oscar Wilde: ''Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.'' 

So who gets to decide what is or is not beautiful?

The people who decide which shoes - clothes - bags - are exceptionally beautiful are of course the ones who design them.These shoes are only worth thousands because the designer knows that there are circles of people who will happily spend that amount on them, as though inflated prices were a guarantee of better quality... and when something is scarce, its value increases. The fact that most of these shoes serve absolutely no purpose is irrelevant to the buyer.

However, maybe I'm the wrong person to discuss high end fashion. I buy my clothes from Primark.

What I'm listening to:
Paramore – Grow Up

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Hey There...

Hey there,

So I've been keeping a blog/journal/thing online for years... and I've decided on a change of location. 

Let me tell you some stuff about me.

1. I'm a girl! Yes, I know. Sometimes it frightens me too.

2. I'm 26. That's the statistics done.

3. By day I am a lowly administrator, by night I'm a wannabe-photographer. You can check out my portfolio here:

4. I like to write. But I write about myself. I totally agree with Augusten Burroughs (one of my favourite authors when he says: ''(The new boyfriend) knows I write every day for hours but has no idea that all I'm writing about is me. It seems wiser to let him think I'm an aspiring novelist instead of just an alcoholic with a year of sobriety who spends about eight hours a day writing about the other sixteen.'' *except I'm not an alcoholic yet.

5. My family are insane.

6. I'm English, which means that I'm horribly repressed and have a bizarre sense of humour.

7. My favourite colour is green. 

8. I'm an unashamed strident angry feminist and proud. There will be many rants. Oh, the incentives to keep reading!

9. I'm getting married next year. Excitemont!

10. I believe that ''positive thinking'' is a crock of shit. People that are overly chirpy, happy and try to be inspirational irritate me. There will be none of that.

OK, I think that's enough for now... Stay tuned. :D

What I'm Listening to:

Paramore – [One Of Those] Crazy Girls